Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The City of Angels

Kanye West, Selena Gomez, Lindsay Lohan, James Franco, Lily Collins, Olivia Wilde, Ashley Olsen, ... Each one of them is totally different personality, but they actually have something in common. Los Angeles - the City of Angels... "The city, where I came and the dreams did come true. The city, where I was able to find myself, the real me. The city took my mother, but this city also gave me my child. The most magical place I have ever been, it´s a promise land. Hollywood California - the land of the stars. The land of dreams, and it´s also land of broken dreams. It´s my paradox, my nightmares and my dreams ..."

That´s the newest video of band Thirty Seconds To Mars for the City of Angels song, which was directed by their singer Jared Leto. In the 11-minute video a lot of different people present themselves, famous, but also unknown imitators of stars, homeless or porn actress. Each of them thinking back about their fate, their life in the city of angels. Perfect advertisement for L.A, what do you think???

Kanye West, Selena Gomez, Lindsay Lohan, James Franco, Lily Collins, Olivia Wilde, Ashley Olsen, ... Každý z nich je úplne iná osobnosť, no niečo ich predsa len spája. Los Angeles - City of Angels....  "Mesto, do ktorého som prišiel a splnili sa mi sny. Mesto, v ktorom som sa znova našla samú seba. Mesto, ktoré mi vzalo matku, no dalo mi dcéru. Najmagickejšie mesto, ktoré som kedy navštívila, mesto nádeji. Hollywood California - krajina hviezd, krajina splnených prianí, ale aj tých rozbitých. Je to môj paradox, moje nočné mory i moje sny..."
Taký je najnovší videoklip kapely Thirty Seconds To Mars k skladbe City of Angels, ktorý si sám zrežíroval spevák Jared Leto. V 11-minútovom videu sa predstavili rôzni ľudia, slávni, ale aj neznámi imitátori hviezd, bezdomovec či pornoherečka. Každý z nich spomína na svoj osud, svoj život v meste anjelov. Perfektná reklama na L.A., čo poviete???

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