After a very successful cooperation with H&M or Adidas Originals another well-known brand has chosen this famous football player. And so for March 2014 they prepared a collection together, on whose designs David himself was involved. It´s inspired by the luxury moto style to which Beckham added a bit of his own. Belstaff announced the cooperation with David few months ago. Even further he also chose the photographer for the spring collection, in which he is starring. And we can say that the choice of Peter Lindbergh, with whom he has worked for several times, was the right one! If you are a fan of charming David as I am, you ´ll surely like his newest advertisement, although this time he is a little bit more dressed! :)
Information were brought by Vogue.
Po veľmi úspešnej spolupráci s H&M či Adidas Originals stavila ďalšia známa značka na osvedčené meno tohto futbalistu. A tak na marec 2014 spolu pripravili kolekciu, na ktorej návrhoch sa podieľal aj samotný David. Je inšpirovaná luxusným motorkárskym štýlom, do ktorého Beckham pridal aj trochu z toho svojho. Značka Belstaff oznámila spoluprácu s Davidom už pred pár mesiacmi. Dokonca dostal hlavné slovo pri výbere fotografa pre jarnú kolekciu, v ktorej sám účinkuje. A môžeme povedať, že voľbou Petra Lindbergha, s ktorým už niekoľkokrát spolupracoval, nič nepokazil! Ak ste fanúšičkami šarmantného Davida ako aj ja, tak si prídete určite na svoje, hoci je tentokrát o trošku viac oblečený! :)
Informácie priniesol Vogue.