Saturday, December 7, 2013

fashion idols #3 : The Carter$

"If I weren´t performing, I´d be a beauty editor or a therapist. I love creativity, but I also love to help others. My mother was a hairstylist, and they listen to everyone´s problems - like a beauty therapist." (Beyoncé)  

Gossip! That´s the only thing we know about them, because they are one of the showbiz couples that watch their privacy. But nevertheless everyone admires them or hates them... I wonder why?! :)

 Beyoncé Giselle Knowles Carter. A woman with big W, I think. In her 32 years, she has reached as much as others cannot in a lifetime. Since she was 8 years old she has worked with her childhood friend, Kelly Rowland, in a group. When she was 15 she recorded her first album with the group Destiny´s Child. Since then, her name has appeared in charts all over the world. However, unlike others, she is not using the popularity to her advantage and she is constantly involved in various charity programs. What kind of celebrity would it be, if she didn´t take care of her appearance and especially of the clothes she wears?! Also because of this a few years ago Beyoncé alongside with her mother founded together a brand House of Dereon, which reflects the style of a diva, which certainly Bey is. Except from this, she has cooperated with various brands, one of the recent ones was this year´s summer collection for H&M.

And what a successful woman would she be, if she didn´t have by her side for more than 10 years a successful man! Shawn Corey Carter is one of the most successful rappers ever, but most of all he is a businessman. Everything he does, earns him a few more millions to his bank account. He is a co-owner of in America highly successful 40/40 Club, he founded the street wear clothing brand Rocawear, he invested to the beauty brand Carol´s Daughter, he cooperates with Budweiser Selekt on creating advertisements and on marketing, he is co-owner of Brooklyn Nets... And most recently it has been said a lot about his cooperation with Barneys on their Christmas clothing and accessories line.

Even though Jay Z is 12 years older than she, they make the perfect couple. In addition, they are connected with their magic number four, they were both born on 4th, they married on 4th... and they are the best paid showbiz couple. Most recently, this duo has decided to promote veganism, at least for 22 days, so we will see, if this also brings the craze!

Among other things, they have a daughter together, beautiful, curly-headed, and hopefully resembling more on Beyoncé. Blue Ivy Carter. Future fashionista, I think, whereas we could have seen her already in many enviable pieces. One of the latest is her custom made leather jacket, in which she looks like a real rockstar! :)

The only thing you should do is to choose whether you are among those who love them or hate them. I´m definitely in the first group. That´s why I decided that they will be the third honest members of our series called fashion idols.

If you would like to see the previous stars in our list, just click here or here.

Klebety! To jediné o nich vieme, pretože je to jeden z mála showbiznisových párov, ktorý si stráži svoje súkromie. No napriek tomu ich každý obdivuje alebo nenávidí... ktovie prečo asi?! :)

Beyonce Giselle Knowles Carter. Podľa mňa žena s veľkým Ž. Vo svojich 32 rokoch dosiahla už toľko, čo iné nestihnú za celý život. Od svojich ôsmich rokoch pôsobila so svojou kamarátkou z detstva,  Kelly Rowland, v skupine. V 15-tich nahrala svoj prvý album už so skupinou Destiny´s Child. Odvtedy sa jej meno objavovalo v rebríčkoch po celom svete. Svoju popularitu však na rozdiel od iných nevyužíva len vo svoj prospech a neustále sa angažuje v rôznych charitatívnych programoch. Čo by to však bolo za celebritu, keby nedbala aj o svoj zovňajšok a hlavne o to, čo si oblečie?! Aj preto Beyonce už pred pár rokmi založila spolu so svojou mamou značku House of Dereon, ktorá odzrkadľuje práve štýl divy, ktorou Bey určite je. Okrem toho má na konte aj rôzne spolupráce, jednou z posledných bola tohtoročná letná kolekcia pre H&M.

A čo by to bolo za úspešnú ženu, keby nemala po svojom boku už viac ako 10 rokov úspešného chlapa! Shawn Corey Carter je jedným z najúspešnejších raperov vôbec, no hlavne je to biznisman. Všetko čoho sa chytí mu vynesie pár miliónikov naviac na jeho už aj tak dosť tučné konto. Je spoluvlastníkom v Amerike veľmi úspešného 40/40 Club, založil značku so streetwearovým oblečením Rocawear, investoval do beauty značky Carol´s Daughter, spolupracuje so značkou Budweiser Selekt na výrobe reklamy a marketingu, je spoluvlastníkom klubu Brooklyn Nets... A najnovšie sa hovorí o jeho spolupráci s reťazcom Barneys na vianočnej línii oblečenia a doplnkov.

Síce Jay Z je od nej o 12 rokov starší, tvoria spolu úžasný pár. Okrem iného ich spája aj magické číslo štyri, obaja sa narodili štvrtého, štvrtého sa aj zobrali...a sú najlepšie zarábajúci showbiznisový pár. Najnovšie sa táto dvojica rozhodla propagovať vegánstvo, teda aspoň na 22 dní, tak uvidíme, či aj to vyvolá ošiaľ!

Okrem iného majú spolu aj dcérku, krásnu, brčkavú, a dúfajme podobajúcu sa skôr na Beyonce. Blue Ivy Carter. Dovolím si tvrdiť, že budúca fashionistka, keďže už teraz by sme jej nejeden kúsok mohli závidieť. Jedným z posledným je jej custom made koženná bunda, v ktorej vyzerá ako pravá rockstar! :)

Už si len vybrať, či patríte medzi tých, čo ich milujú alebo tých, čo ich nenávidia. Ja som rozhodne v tej prvej skupinke. Aj preto som sa rozhodla, že budú čestnými tretími členmi nášho seriálu fashion idols!

Ak si chcete pozrieť predchádzajúce hviezdy v tomto zozname, stačí kliknúť sem a sem.

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