Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Today´s fashion inspiration from Rita Ora

What we think is, that this British singer is gradually becoming one of the fashion icons. This time, we were impressed by this white-black coat, that she wore after the British Fashion Awards. If you want to steal the Rita´s style, a very similar coat can be found on a (one of our most favorite) website Asos.com (here).

Dovolíme si tvrdiť, že postupne sa táto britská speváčka zaraďuje medzi módne ikony. Tentokrát nás zaujala bielo-čiernym kožuchom, v ktorom sa ukázala po akcii British Fashion Awards.  Ak máte záujem ukradnúť si Ritin štýl, podobný kabát môžete nájsť na (nami veľmi obľúbenej) stránke Asos.com (tu).

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