Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Dolce&Gabbana Spring/Summer 2014 Campaign

This year could have not started better! Almost every day we present you some summer campaign on our fb page. Although I am mostly a spring-type person, when I´m looking at these photos I´m extremely looking forward to summer!
But today we have for you something we love the most. A few days ago we published first photos from the summer campaign of Italian duo Dolce & Gabbana. Sicilian family party - the main theme of this campaign full of models and children, which was this time photographed by Domenico Dolce. For several seasons this duo brings us similarly motivated photos, but this we don´t mind at all the repeating. It might be because of the fact that we cannot stop looking at the beautiful Bianca Balti, which of course is featured in this campaign, too. Except from her Eva Herzigova, Catherine McNeil, Marine Deeleuw, Adam Senn, Evandro Soldati, Noah Mills and Tony Ward posed, too.

If you are also interested in other campaigns that the fashion houses prepared for us, you can find them here.

Tento rok sa nemohol začať lepšie! Neprejde hádam deň, kedy by sme vám na našej fb stránke nepredstavili nejakú letnú kampaň. I keď som skôr jarný typ, pri pohľade na tieto fotky sa nesmierne teším na leto!
Dnes však máme pre vás našu srdcovku. Pred pár dňami sme na fb uverejnili prvé fotky z letnej kampane talianskeho dua Dolce&Gabbana. Sicílska rodinná párty - hlavná téma tejto kampane plnej modeliek, modelov a detičiek, ktorú aj tentokrát nafotil  Domenico Dolce. Už niekoľko sezón nám toto duo prináša podobne motivované fotografie, ale tentokrát nám vôbec nevadí, že sa opakujú. Bude to asi tým, že na krásnu Biancu Balti, ktorá samozrejme nechýba ani v tejto kampani, sa jednoducho nedá vynadívať. Okrem nej zapózovali aj  Eva Herzigova, Catherine McNeil, Marine Deeleuw, Adam Senn, Evandro Soldati, Noah Mills a Tony Ward.

Ak vás zaujímajú aj iné kampane, ktoré si módne domy pre nás pripravili, nájdete ich tu.

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