"You know who is the best who ever did it? Princess Diana. She was like - she killed it. Every look was right. She was gangster with her clothes. She had these crazy hats. She got over-size jackets. I loved everything she wore!" (Rihanna)
Robyn Rihanna Fenty. Barbadian singer, who´s really proud of her exotic roots, celebrates tomorrow (20th of February) her 26 birthday. We congratulate her, too, and as a gift, we decided to include her as the forth one in our Fashion Idols series... :)
This beautiful, young and talented singer has reached through her 9-year career more than her colleagues in a lifetime. Since she has been signed to Jay Z´s Def Jam Recordings, she has become a star not only in America, but all around the world. Already her first album Music of The Sun got into the top ten of Billboard 200 chart. New album, new hit! Umbrella, Unfaithful, Hate That I Love You, Disturbia, Take a Bow, Live Your Life,....I can not choose, but when I have to sooo Oh, na, na, what´s my name?! :)
In addition to the fact that she can sing (yes even live, what she proved last year), she is known for her controversy, which she shows not only in her videos, but also on her overall image. At the beginning she was a beauty, which many compared to a newer version of Britney Spears. Over the time, she has been changing to a beast! Literally. Brown, black, blond, red, short, long, curly, mikado and recently à la Cleopatra...if I have to name all the hairstyles that she switched, it would definitely take me a lot of time! However, with each new album she changes her overall look, too. That´s why she has become one of the icons of many fashion enthusiasts. Cooperations with Armani, H&M, River Island, her reality show Styled To Rock, in which she was looking for a designer to her team, her perfumes "Reb´l Fleur", "Rebelle", "Nude" and "Rogue", own cosmetic range for the brand MAC, and not least her latest collaboration with Balmain...all these are only small steps in her career.
She played the beast also in the latest edition of the March issue of Vogue US, where she showcased her different faces to the photographer David Sims and she even switched several wigs. By the way, this is already her fourth cover for this magazine! And according to her Instagram account, where Riri daily adds photos of her sprightly life, I assume that soon we will see another editorial for the Brazilian version of this magazine.
Perhaps many of you won´t agree with me, but for me Rihanna is definitely one of the icons, whether the music (btw in January she has begun to record her eight album!), or especially the fashion ones!
To view previous stars that are in this list, just click on Kanye West, the Beckhams or Beyonce and Jay Z.
Robyn Rihanna Fenty. Barbadoská speváčka, ktorá je patrične hrdá na svoje exotické korene, zajtra (20teho februára) oslavuje svoje 26-te narodeniny. My jej tiež blahoželáme, a ako darček sme sa rozhodli zaradiť ju ako štvrtú v poradí do seriálu Fashion Idols... :)
Táto krásna, mladá a talentovaná speváčka toho za svoju 9-ročnú kariéru dosiahla viac ako jej kolegyne za celý život. Podpisom zmluvy s Jay Z-ho labelom Def Jam Recordings sa z nej stala hviezda nielen v Amerike, ale na celom svete. Už jej prvý album Music of The Sun sa dostal do top desiatky rebríčka Billboard 200. Čo album to nový hit! Umbrella, Unfaithful, Hate That I love You, Disturbia, Take a Bow, Live Your Life,....ja sama si neviem vybrať jednu, ale keď už taaak Oh, na, na, what´s my name?! :)
Okrem toho, že vie spievať (áno aj naživo, o čom sme sa posledný rok mohli presvedčiť), je známa svojou kontroverznosťou, ktorú naplno prejavuje nielen vo svojich videách, ale aj na svojom celkovom image. Na začiatku to bola kráska, ktorú nejeden porovnával s novšou verziou Britney Spears. Postupom času sa však mení na šelmu! Doslova. Hnedá, čierna, blond, červená, krátke, dlhé, brčkavé, mikádo a naposledy sa ukázala v zostrihu à la Kleopatra ...keby mám vymenovať všetky účesy, ktoré vystriedala, tak by sme tu boli asi veľmi dlho! No s každým novým albumom mení aj svoj celkový vzhľad. Aj preto sa stala jednou z ikôn nejedného módneho nadšenca. Spolupráce s Armanim, H&M, River Island, jej reality show Styled To Rock, v ktorej hľadala dizajnéra do svojho tímu, jej parfémy "Reb´l Fleur", "Rebelle", "Nude" a "Rogue", vlastná rada kozmetiky pre značku MAC, a v neposlednom rade jej najnovšia spolupráca so značkou Balmain...to všetko sú len malé krôčiky v jej kariére.
Na šelmu sa zahrala aj v najnovšom vydaní marcového čísla magazínu Vogue US, v ktorom fotorafovi Davidovi Simsovi predviedla svoje rôzne tváre a vystriedala aj viacero parochní. Mimochodom, jedná sa už o štvrtú titulku pre tento magazín! A podľa jej instagramového konta, kam Riri pridáva každodenne fotky z jej bujarého života, súdim, že čoskoro sa dočkáme aj ďalšieho editoriálu pre brazílsku verziu tohto magazínu.
Možno sa mnohí z Vás so mnou nestotožnia, no pre mňa Rihanna jednoznačne patrí medzi ikony, či už tie hudobné (btw v januári začala nahrávať svoj ôsmi album!), no hlavne tie fashion!
Ak si chcete pozrieť predchádzajúce hviezdy, ktoré sa nachádzajú v tomto zozname, tak stačí si kliknúť na Kanyeho Westa, Beckhamovcov či Beyonce a Jay Z-ho.
Vogue US March 2014 Issue by David Sims
Rihanna´s most memorable outfits
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