"Everyone thinks I’m going to be such a cow - I get it because I think the same when I see the pictures." (Victoria Beckham)
There are people who love and admire them, but also those who hate them and may be even little bit envious about them. But who would not envy?!
SHE: successful ex-singer of the globally recognized girl group Spice Girls and nowadays even more successful fashion designer, who has received for her contribution to fashion a lot of awards. One of the latest ones is Bambi Award, which Karl Lagerfeld presented to her! Although Victoria Beckham may sometimes seem cold and cocky, the opposite is true. Some are also surprised that Victoria uses the typical British humor very often, and as she once said, she doesn´t smile in public, because journalists always choose the worst picture.
HE: former English footballer, captain of their national team, who has experienced his greatest fame in Manchester United. Since David has appeared in many clubs. Real Madrid, AC Milan, LA Galaxy, that were all the stops in his football career, which he ended in a very stylish way in the club Paris Saint Germain with the league title.
And to make it even worse, these two beautiful and also successful persons have together four even more beautiful children. Brooklyn, Romeo, who starred in Burberry´s ad campaign, Cruz and their smallest princess Harper. Always very trendy and stylish! Future football stars or fashion designers?! Only time will tell, but nowadays they are icons, too.
This couple, also known from the ads, is together for incredible 16 years. Since then we have seen them in different advertisements, together or separately, for example for brands such as Pepsi, Samsung, Adidas, Emporio Armani or H&M. The name Beckham sells and they are aware of it. Therefore they decided to help people, who were affected by typhoon in the Philippines, and donated to the British charity Red Cross Shop 20 boxes full of clothes and shoes that they had in their wardrobe. Not just any clothes! Victoria donated 100 pairs of luxurious shoes from brands like Jimmy Choo or Christian Louboutin. In addition, various kinds of clothes, all from well-known designers! Therefore the ones, who didn´t go to this shop in Chelsea today, probably regret it as I do! Shoes were sold for 100 pounds, caps for 25, jeans for 50,...all under 200 pounds for one piece. Amazing price for designer pieces that were worn by Beckhams and they also helped the Philippines. Who wouldn´t buy it!
Information were brought by Mirror.
I think, that the Beckhams showed their true face with this generous deed, too. Although it was from them an incredible marketing tool, too. However, everyone can learn something from them, whether from their lifestyle, raising of children, but most of all from their impeccable taste. Also because of that, this incredible family, which I personally admire for many years, deserves membership in our "FASHION IDOLS" group :))
Jedni ich milujú a obdivujú, druhí ich nenávidia a možno trošku im aj závidia. Ale kto by nezávidel!?
SHE: successful ex-singer of the globally recognized girl group Spice Girls and nowadays even more successful fashion designer, who has received for her contribution to fashion a lot of awards. One of the latest ones is Bambi Award, which Karl Lagerfeld presented to her! Although Victoria Beckham may sometimes seem cold and cocky, the opposite is true. Some are also surprised that Victoria uses the typical British humor very often, and as she once said, she doesn´t smile in public, because journalists always choose the worst picture.
HE: former English footballer, captain of their national team, who has experienced his greatest fame in Manchester United. Since David has appeared in many clubs. Real Madrid, AC Milan, LA Galaxy, that were all the stops in his football career, which he ended in a very stylish way in the club Paris Saint Germain with the league title.
And to make it even worse, these two beautiful and also successful persons have together four even more beautiful children. Brooklyn, Romeo, who starred in Burberry´s ad campaign, Cruz and their smallest princess Harper. Always very trendy and stylish! Future football stars or fashion designers?! Only time will tell, but nowadays they are icons, too.
This couple, also known from the ads, is together for incredible 16 years. Since then we have seen them in different advertisements, together or separately, for example for brands such as Pepsi, Samsung, Adidas, Emporio Armani or H&M. The name Beckham sells and they are aware of it. Therefore they decided to help people, who were affected by typhoon in the Philippines, and donated to the British charity Red Cross Shop 20 boxes full of clothes and shoes that they had in their wardrobe. Not just any clothes! Victoria donated 100 pairs of luxurious shoes from brands like Jimmy Choo or Christian Louboutin. In addition, various kinds of clothes, all from well-known designers! Therefore the ones, who didn´t go to this shop in Chelsea today, probably regret it as I do! Shoes were sold for 100 pounds, caps for 25, jeans for 50,...all under 200 pounds for one piece. Amazing price for designer pieces that were worn by Beckhams and they also helped the Philippines. Who wouldn´t buy it!
Information were brought by Mirror.
I think, that the Beckhams showed their true face with this generous deed, too. Although it was from them an incredible marketing tool, too. However, everyone can learn something from them, whether from their lifestyle, raising of children, but most of all from their impeccable taste. Also because of that, this incredible family, which I personally admire for many years, deserves membership in our "FASHION IDOLS" group :))
Jedni ich milujú a obdivujú, druhí ich nenávidia a možno trošku im aj závidia. Ale kto by nezávidel!?
ONA: úspešná bývalá speváčka z celosvetovo uznávanej dievčenskej skupiny Spice Girls a niekdajšia ešte úspešnejšia módna návrhárka, ktorá za svoj doterajší prínos do sveta módy dostala nejedno ocenenie. Jednou z posledných bola Bambi Award, ktorú jej predal samotný Karl Lagerfeld! Síce Victoria Beckham môže niekedy pôsobiť chladne a namysleno, opak je pravdou. Niektorí sa až čudujú, no Victoria prekypuje typickým anglickým humorom, a ako sa raz vyjadrila, na verejnosti sa neusmieva preto, lebo novinári aj tak vyberú tú najhoršiu fotku.
ON: bývalý anglický futbalista, kapitán reprezentácie, ktorý zažil svoju najväčšiu slávu v drese Manchestru United. Odvtedy vystriedal mnoho klubov. Real Madrid, AC Milano, LA Galaxy, to všetko boli zastávky v Davidovej futbalovej kariére, ktorú zakončil ako inak štýlovo v klube Paris Saint Germain ziskom ligového titulu.
A aby toho nebolo málo, tak majú títo dvaja krásni a aj úspešní ľudia spolu ešte krajšie štyri deti. Brooklyn, Romeo, ktorý sa objavil v reklamnej kampani značky Burberry, Cruz a ich najmenšia princezná Harper. Všetci vždy štýlovo nahodení a dokonale zladení! Budúce futbalové hviezdy či návrhári?! To ukáže až čas, no už teraz sú aj oni ikonami.
Táto dvojka známa aj z reklám je spolu už neuveriteľných 16 rokov. Odvtedy sme ich videli v rôznych reklamách, či už spolu alebo každého zvlášť, napríklad na značky ako Pepsi, Samsung, Adidas, Emporio Armani či H&M. Meno Beckham predáva a oni sú si toho vedomí. Aj preto sa rozhodli, že pomôžu ľuďom, ktorých postihol na Filipínach tajfún a darovali britskému charitatívnemu obchodu Red Cross Shop 20 plných krabíc oblečenia a topánok, ktoré mali vo svojom šatníku. A nebolo to hocijaké oblečenie! Victoria darovala dokopy 100 párov luxusných topánok značiek ako Jimmy Choo či Christian Louboutin. Okrem toho aj rôzne iné druhy oblečenia, všetko od návrhárov zvučných mien! Preto ten, kto si dnes neodstál radu pred týmto obchodom v Chelsea, asi ľutuje tak ako aj ja! Topánky sa predávali za 100 libier, čiapky za 25, rifle za 50,... všetko pod 200 libier za kus. Celkom slušná suma za dizajnové kúsky, ktoré mali na sebe Beckhamovci a ešte k tomu aj na pomoc Filipínam. No nekúp to!
Informácie priniesol Mirror.
Myslím si, že aj týmto šľachetným skutkom Beckhamovci ukázali svoju pravú tvár, síce to bol od nich aj neuveriteľný marketingový ťah. Každý by sa však od nich mohol niečo priučiť, či už od ich spôsobu života, výchovy detí, no hlavne od ich dokonalého vkusu. Aj preto si táto rodinka úžasných, ktorú ja osobne už dlhé roky obdivujem, zaslúži členstvo v našej "FASHION IDOLS" skupine :))