Monday, November 18, 2013
fashion idols #1 : Professor Yeezy...
"But I just wanted to tell you guys: I really do believe that the world can be saved through design, and everything needs to actually be “architected.” And this is the reason why even some of the first DONDA employees were architects that started designing t-shirts instead of buildings. But just to see the work actually be actualized." (Kanye West)
There is no doubt that Kanye is a talented rapper and singer. Except from that has also very close relationship to the art, fashion and design. This 36 year old daddy of his adorable daughter North, has now became a professor at Harvard,too. At least for one day, when he lectured at the Harvard School of Design in his project called DONDA Design Lecture Series. Although it was Sunday, the lecture room was filled to the last seat, even Kim came. The company DONDA, which Yeezy created in honor of his mother Dr. Donda West, tries to connect the most talented architects, designers,... and most of all people with an idea, and so give them a place for further development and fulfilling their dreams. And also Kanye is one of those! Only recently he came out with own clothing line that he designed to promote the tour of his latest album YEEZUS, and also before he wasn´t a stranger in the fashion industry as he collaborated with Louis Vuitton, A.P.C., Nike,... But most of all he is a rapper, in fact genius I think, who gives with his texts, but also video productions, a completely different meaning!!
If you envy Harvard students, who had the opportunity to listen to this talented artist, as I do, you will be even more jealous, when I tell you, that as a bonus everyone who wanted received a ticket for his completely sold-out tour!... who would not want it! :))
Because of the fact that Kanye is my idol and most of all person, that I adore and that inspires me, you will hear a lot about him on this blog. Also therefore, we decided that we want to show you the best of the best. And so whenever it is the right time, we will focus on a celebrity with a unique style.
And who can be better for the beginning, if not the Lord of the Outfits, Kanye West?!
O tom, že Kanye je talentovaný raper a aj spevák niet pochýb. Okrem toho má však veľmi blízko aj k umeniu, móde a dizajnu. Tento 36-ročný novopečený otecko rozkošnej dcérky North, sa najnovšie stal profesorom na Harvarde. Teda aspoň na jeden deň, kedy prednášal na Harvardskej škole dizajnu v rámci svojho projektu DONDA Design Lecture Series. Hoci bola nedeľa, prednášková miestnosť bola zaplnená do posledného miesta, dokonca prišla aj Kim. Spoločnosť DONDA, ktorú Yeezy založil na pamiatku svojej matky Dr. Donde West, sa snaží zastrešiť tých najtalentovanejších architektov, dizajnérov,... a hlavne ľudí s nápadom, a tak im dať priestor na ďalší rozvoj a naplnenie svojich snov. A aj samotný Kanye patrí medzi týchto ľudí! Veď len nedávno prišiel s vlastnou líniou oblečenia, ktoré navrhol na propagáciu turné svojho najnovšieho albumu YEEZUS, predtým tiež nebol žiadnym nováčikom vo svete módy, môže sa pochváliť spoluprácou so značkami Louis Vuitton, A.P.C., Nike,... No predovšetkým je to raper, podľa mňa génius, ktorý svojimi textami, ale aj produkciou hudobných klipov, dáva hudobnej scéne úplne iný rozmer!!
Ak aj vy závidíte tak ako aj ja Harvardským študentom, ktorý si mohli vypočuť tohto talentovaného umelca, budete ešte viac, keď sa dozviete, že ako bonus dostal ten kto chcel vstupenku na jeho celkom vypredané turné!...kto by nechcel! :))
Keďže Kanye je pre mňa vzor a hlavne človek, ktorého uznávam a ktorý ma inšpiruje, tak o ňom asi ešte veľa na tomto blogu budete počuť. Aj preto sme sa rozhodli, že Vám prinesieme to najlepšie z najlepšieho, a tak vždy keď bude tá správna chvíľa sa zameriame na celebritu, ktorá je svojím štýlom výnimočná.
A koho iného sme mohli na úvod zvoliť, ak nie samotného Pána outfitov, Kanye Westa?!