Thursday, November 14, 2013


13.11.2013! Day, that will be written in the fashion history with the note Victoria´s Secret Fashion Show 2013. Everyone was expecting a lot, because of that some of us may be disappointed.
The show started with performance of American very popular singer, Taylor Swift together with the band Fall Out Boy, accompanied by Candice and her dream Royal Fantasy Bra. Although during rehearsals she was wearing a crown, because she was supposed to represent the queen of British Invasion segment, she wasn´t wearing it on stage.

Except from Candice other VS angels showed their curves as for example Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Behati Prinsloo, Lily Aldridge, Doutzen Kroes, Karlie Kloss or Erin Heatherton. Other well-known faces joined them, as for example Cara Delevigne, Joan Smalls, Maryna Linchuk, Izabel Goulart, Lais Ribeiro,..
In addition to the initial segment British Invasion we have seen creations in those styles: Shipwrecked, during which indie-pop duo A Great Big World, Parisian Nights was singing, Parisian Nights, Birds of Paradise, Pink Network that was one of the most colorful also because of girls group Neon Jungle. The whole fashion show ended with Snow Angels segment and Taylor Swift´s song "I know you were trouble".
The whole Fashion Show was marked by epideictic style, but from the by-now available photos we found different outfits monotonous. Even the show itself and its after-party did not feature a lot of celebrities except from the angels. DJ Sunnery James and singer Adam Levine came to support their partners Doutzen and Behati. Besides them other famous stars came, as for example fashion blogger Chiara Ferragni, Olivia Palermo, or singers Ciara and Estelle.
All together there were 67 different outfits, 28 wings, 40 models and 6 segments on this years´ VS Fashion Show.
But one thing is clear! Candice was the queen of the night, even though sometimes lively Adriana Lima (with her 13th fashion show) and Izabel Goulart with her perfectly shaped body tried to overshadow her. Other models, with a few exceptions, were according to us not so stunning, some of them even looked like they don´t want to be there. Everything, however, will be showed on the video, which airs on December 10!!!

Other photos can be found on our Facebook page (here & here) and on our Instagram profile (here).

13.11.2013! Deň, ktorý sa zapíše do dejín módy s poznámkou Victoria´s Secret Fashion Show 2013. Každý očakával od tejto udalosti veľa, preto poniektorí možno budú aj sklamaní.
Showka sa začala vystúpením, v Amerike veľmi obľúbenej speváčky, Taylor Swift spolu s kapelou Fall Out Boy, ktorých doprevádzala Candice s jej vysnívanou Royal Fantasy Bra. Síce na skúške mala k tomuto kostýmu oblečenú aj korunku, keďže mala stvárniť kráľovnú segmentu British Invasion, na pódiu sme ju s ňou už nevideli.

Okrem Candice predviedli svoje sexy krivky aj ostatní anjelikovia ako napríklad Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Behati Prinsloo, Lily Aldridge, Doutzen Kroes, Karlie Kloss či Erin Heatherton. K nim sa pridali aj ďalšie známe tváre, napríklad Cara Delevigne, Joan Smalls, Maryna Linchuk, Izabel Goulart, Lais Ribeiro,..
Okrem úvodného segmentu British Invasion sme videli kreácie v štýle Shipwrecked, počas ktorej zaspievalo aj indie-popové duo A Great Big World, Parisian Nights, Birds of Paradise, Pink Network, ktorý bol jedným z najfarebnejších, o čo sa postarala aj dievčenská skupina Neon Jungle. Celá fashion show sa skončila segmentom Snow Angels za zvukov piesne "I know you were trouble" od Taylor Swift.
Celá Fashion Show sa niesla v honosnom štýle, no z fotiek, ktoré boli doposiaľ dostupné, na nás pôsobili jednotlivé outfity monotónne. Dokonca aj na samotnej show a jej after-party sa okrem anjelikov neobjavilo veľa celebrít. Doutzen a Behati prišli podporiť ich partneri DJ Sunnery James a spevák Adam Levine. Okrem nich sa tam objavila napr. fashion blogerka Chiara Ferragni, Olivia Palermo a speváčky Ciara a Estelle.
Dokopy bolo na tohtoročnej VS Fashion Show 67 rôznych outfitov, 28 krídiel, 40 modeliek a 6 segmentov.
Jedno je však jasné! Candice bola kráľovnou večera, hoci miestami ju pokúšala zatieniť temperamentná Adriana Lima (svojou už 13-tou VSFS!) a Izabel Goulart so svojím dokonale vypracovaným telom. Ostatné modelky, až na pár výnimiek, nás veľmi neohúrili, niektoré dokonca vyzerali ako keby predvádzali takpovediac  nasilu. Všetko sa však ukáže až na viedozázname, ktorý bude odvysielaný 10.decembra!!!

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