Thursday, November 28, 2013

"I´m going to be bigger than Walmart... " (K.W.)

And once again about my favorite one...
But this time only a little news. As it has previously been speculated about, Yeezy ended his cooperation with the brand Nike with his latest red Air Yeezys and is starting to work with other, rival brand Adidas.

As Kanye expressed, although he loves Nike, but now when he has a daughter and a family that he has to take care of, he had to refuse the royalties, which Nike offered, and he accepted the offer from competitors. As Vogue informed, Adidas has not yet confirmed this information, but it´s only a matter of time, because Kanye has professed in addition also to this information : "I´m going to be bigger than Walmart. "

A zase raz o mojom obľúbencovi...
Tento raz však len taká malá aktualitka. Ako bolo už dlhšie avizované, Yeezy svojou poslednou červenou verziou Air Yeezy ukončil spoluprácu so značkou Nike a prechádza k inej, konkurenčnej značke Adidas.

Ako sa sám Kanye vyjadril, síce miluje spoločnosť Nike, no teraz, keď už má dcéru a musí sa o ňu a svoju rodinu aj postarať, odmietol honorár, ktorý mu ponúkala značka Nike a prijal ponuku od konkurencii. Ako informoval Vogue, Adidas túto správu ešte oficiálne nepotvrdil, no je to len otázkou času, keďže Kanye už na margo aj tejto spolupráce povedal : "I´m going to be bigger than Walmart. "
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