Monday, December 23, 2013

Pyrex or Off-white?? By Virgil Abloh

Virgil Abloh. The name that most people don´t know, but this talented designer changes success to other success. Except from the fact that he is Kanye´s creative director and so he creates outfits for his concerts and also very successful collection four his tour and cooperates with streetwear brand Hood by Air, he is signed under the brand, which has been very successful this year. Pyrex Vision, clothing collection, most of all t-shirts with a typical monogram PYREX on the back, which could have been on many singers and rappers.

The latest thing that this designer prepared for fashionoholics is a brand called Off-White. Unlike Pyrex Vision, which was co-produced with other brand and he just added the prints, pieces from this brand are all produced in Italy. Spring 2014 collection contains many pieces, among which, I think, can everybody find something for himself. Check print, military print, denim, patches, all black outfits...everything with a typical logo WHITE this time.
As Virgil told, his mentor is Riccardo Tisci, what is clearly visible on this collection, as I think both of them are holding the motto "streetwear meets fashion". I cannot wait for this collection, which was designed for men, but as well as in the case of Pyrex this pieces look much better on women!!!
Information were brought by website

Virgil Abloh. Meno, ktoré väčšina ľudí nepozná, no tento talentovaný dizajnér strieda úspech za úspechom.
Okrem toho, že je kreatívnym riaditeľom u Kanyeho a tak mu vytvára outfity na koncerty a tiež veľmi vydarenú kolekciu k jeho turné a spolupracuje so streetwearovou značkou Hood by Air, je podpísaný pod značkou, ktorá mala tento rok obrovský úspech. Pyrex Vision, kolekcia oblečenia a hlavne tričiek s typickým monogramom PYREX na chrbte, ktoré ako na príkaz nosil takmer každý známy raper či spevák.
Najnovšie si tento dizajnér pre typických fashionoholikov pripravil značku s názvom Off-White. Narozdiel od Pyrex Vision, na ktorej výrobe spolupracoval s ďalšou značkou a on len pridával potlače, kúsky tejto značky budú celé vyrábané v Taliansku. Kolekcia pre jar 2014 obsahuje mnohé kúsky, medzi ktorými si podľa mňa každý nájde to svoje. Káro, vojenská potlač, denim, nášivky, celočierne outfity...všetko s typickým logom WHITE tentokrát.
Ako sám Virgil povedal, jeho mentorom je sám Riccardo Tisci, čo je na kúskoch z tejto kolekcie aj viditeľne cítiť, keďže myslím si obaja sa držia hesla "streetwear meets fashion". Ja sama sa už nemôžem dočkať tejto kolekcie, ktorá síce bola vytvorená pre pánov, no ako aj pri Pyrexe na ženách vyzerajú tieto kúsky ešte lepšie!!!
Informácie priniesla webová stránska


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