Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Year 2013: the Best Of from Red Carpet

Yes, we have also decided to shortly summarize and present you the best that this year has brought. Today we ´ve chosen for you 12 best outfits from the red carpet, which impressed US the most. I would give the attention to the word US, because it´s the choice of looks that WE like. Just to avoid some misunderstanding... :)

When we summarize it all, we can say that this year has mostly belonged to actresses Jessica Alba and Jessica Chastain. The second named is for me a clear DIVA of the red carpet. Who knows this actress probably knows what I mean, but the one who doesn´t should change it right now! Except from them a lot of different celebrities shined and it was really hard to make this selection. But we made it and therefore you can see what our critical eyes like the most :).
I will also add that the sequence of photos is purely coincidental. This is not some kind of a chart, where we would evaluate what was the best. This is our TOP!

More outfits can be found on our FB page in album called : The 2013 Season

Áno, aj my sme sa rozhodli trošku sumarizovať a predstaviť vám to najlepšie , čo  tento rok priniesol.
Dnes sme pre vás vybrali 12 najlepších outfitov z červeného koberca, ktoré na NÁS naviac zapôsobili. Do pozornosti by som dala slovíčko NÁS, pretože je to výber lookov, ktoré sa NÁM páčia. Len aby neprišlo k nejakému nedorozumeniu... :)
Keby sme to tak zhrnuli, dalo by sa povedať, že  tento rok patril najmä herečkám Jessice Albe a Jessice Chastain. Druhá menovaná pre mňa predstavuje jednoznačne DIVU červeného koberca. Kto pozná túto herečku  asi vie, o čom hovorím, kto nie, mal by to hneď napraviť! No okrem nich žiarili aj iné osobnosti a urobiť tento výber bolo skutočne ťažké. Ale zvládli sme to a vy si teda môžete pozrieť, čo sa najviac pozdáva nášmu kritickému oku :).
Ešte by som dodala, že následnosť fotiek je čisto  náhodná. Nejedná sa o nejaký rebríček, kde by sme hodnotili, čo bolo úplne najlepšie. Toto je náš TOP a hotovo!

Viac outfitov nájdete na našej FB stránke v albume s názvom : The 2013 Season

Jessica Alba in Reem Acra and Elie Saab.

 Bianca Balti in Dolce & Gabbana.
 Izabel Goulart in Alberta Ferretti.
Selena Gomez in Versace.

Rihanna in Azzedine Alaia.
 Marion Cotillard in Dior Couture.
Kate Hudson in Reem Acra.
Jessica Chastain in Versace, Roland Mouret and Armani Privé.

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