Friday, February 21, 2014

Jenner Sisters for Marie Claire Mexico March 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

fashion idols #4: BadGalRiri "Fashion´s Most Exciting Muse"

"You know who is the best who ever did it? Princess Diana. She was like - she killed it. Every look was right. She was gangster with her clothes. She had these crazy hats. She got over-size jackets. I loved everything she wore!" (Rihanna)

Robyn Rihanna Fenty. Barbadian singer, who´s really proud of her exotic roots, celebrates tomorrow (20th of February) her 26 birthday. We congratulate her, too, and as a gift, we decided to include her as the forth one in our Fashion Idols series... :)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sports Illustrated 50th Anniversary : "The Doll That Started It All" (Update)

Emily Ratajkowski, Kate Moss, Kate Upton, Irina Shayk,... Even our ideas were different. A few weeks ago we guessed that Emily will be on the cover of Sports Illustrated 50th anniversary issue for year 2014. Because of that we were really surprised when we saw this cover for the first time. Another doll, like from Mattel, but this time literally!
On Tuesday this unusual issue with a 55 year old beauty on the cover will hit stands. Even the lucky ones will be able to purchase this Barbie on Doll, that started it all. Great marketing move, from which Mattel seeks to raise declining popularity of this brand. At least they surprised, we think! Information was brought by
But fortunately they did not leave it only to this unusual cover, which is actually a limited edition of 1000 copies. And so the latest cover of the magazine Sports Illustrated goes to three models, Lily Aldridge, Nina Agdal and Chrissy Teigen. This time it was a right choice, one more beautiful than the other!

Emily Ratajkowski, Nina Agdal, Kate Moss, Kate Upton, Irina Shayk,... Aj naše predstavy boli rôzne. Už pred pár týždňami sme práve Emily tipovali ako horúcu kandidátku na titulku 50-teho vydania magazínu Sports Illustrated pre rok 2014. O to prekvapenejšie sme, keď sme titulku prvý krát zbadali. Ďalšia bábika, ako od Mattela, no tentokrát doslova!
Už v utorok sa toto neobvyklé číslo s 55-ročnou kráskou na obálke dostane do predaja, ba dokonca tí šťastnejší si budú môcť takúto Barbie zakúpiť na stránke Bábika, ktorá to všetko začala. Skvelý marketingový ťah, ktorým sa Mattel snaží zvýšiť klesajúcu popularitu tejto značky. Podľa nás minimálne prekvapili! Informácie priniesol portál
No našťastie to celé nenechali len na tejto neobvyklej titulke, ktorá je len limitovanou edíciou s počtom 1000 výtlačkov. A tak najnovšia titulka magazínu Sports Illustrated patrí až trom modelkám, Lily Aldridge, Nine Agdal a Chrissy Teigen. Tentokrát to bol správny výber, jedna krajšia ako druhá!

Friday, February 7, 2014

It´s Show(s) Time...

And it´s (finally) here! Fashion week in NY was officially launched on February 6. But not only NYFW has started, but basically the entire month of fashion, which ends in the first week of March in Paris. We can say that a month full of the newest trends and inspiration for the fall/winter 2014-2015 season is ahead.
Over the next few weeks we will try to inform you about the news from NY, London, Milan and Paris. For each of these cities there will be an album on our FB account, where you will find chosen models from the best designers. Simply "The Best of" ... And on the blog we are going to publish a small summary of what that particular fashion week brought.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Look Of The Day: Simple Beauty by Eva Herzigova

"A girl should be two things: Classy & Fabulous!"

- Coco Chanel

Czech model Eva Herzigova wearing Dolce & Gabbana dress, Jimmy Choo pumps and Dolce & Gabbana "Miss Sicily" bag (the same here) at the Project Runway Italia launch.