Tuesday, April 29, 2014

PINK is the new RED...

(This photo is only for inspiration to experiment with colors! (Paper Magazine, May 2014 issue)
We have been planning to change this blog for a while now, as this should be our personal blog, and so we would like to add a lot more photos, themes and information about us and about the things we love... Well don´t worry, all of the news and photos from editorials, red carpet and others will still be featured on our Facebook page.
Apart from the typical fashion stuff, we would also like to speak about different beauty trends and beauty news occasionally. Whereas, like any other girls, we also try to take care of ourselves and we have our favorite products and tips we follow. This doesn´t mean that we want to teach someone! Maybe just inform you a bit, and if even one will take our advice seriously, we´ll be glad .... :)

Monday, April 28, 2014

Rihanna for Vogue Brasil by Mariano Vivanco


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Street Style Inspiration for Today ... SELENA GOMEZ

Selena Gomez out for a coffee with friend wearing Emilio Pucci Studded-Detail Leather Bag, Urban Outfitters Denim Jacket and American Apparel Jeans (the same here).

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Today´s Inspiration from Emma´s trip around the world

Whereas Emma Stone is one of the main stars of the latest movie Amazing Spider-Man 2, from the beginning of this year we could have seen her only on the road. Paris, Beijing, Sydney ... that´s just a small sample of places where this young actress promoted this movie. And during every single premiere she pulled out the best things from the 2014 collections. I personally love this a little bit "classic" style! Whether on the red carpet, at the airport or wandering around the city with her acting colleague and boyfriend Andrew Garfield, she always looked perfect, as highlighted by the beautiful red hair color combined with pale skin and always perfectly matching lipstick!
Keďže Emma Stone je jednou z hlavných hviezd najnovšej časti filmu Amazing Spider-Man 2, od začiatku roka sme ju mohli vidieť len na cestách. Paríž, Beijing, Sydney... to je len malá ukážka toho, kde všade táto mladá herečka propagovala práve tento film. A počas každej jednej premiéry vytiahla to najlepšie čo nám kolekcie pre rok 2014 priniesli. Mne osobne sa tento jej trošku "klasický" štýl veľmi páči! Či už na červenom koberci, na letisku alebo na potulkách mestom so svojim hereckým kolegom  a priateľom Andrewom Garfieldom, vždy vyzerá dokonale, čomu určite napomáha aj krásna ryšavá farba vlasov v spojení s bledou pokožkou a vždy dokonale zladeným rúžom!

Paris Premiere of Amazing Spider-Man 2

Dress: Lanvin Fall 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Today´s Inspiration: The newbie model Kendall Jenner

As well as in the previous weeks also this week we have chosen a "celebrity", whose style and especially the presentation we have been admiring during the last three months, i.e. from the beginning of the year. I have a feeling that since Kendall has been a model, her style has stabilized and got a comprehensive form that looks really good on her. Whether it´s for lunch with a friend, at a party during one of the fashion weeks or to the gym, she always wore something eye-catching. Well, it´s interesting how many young stars are suddenly fashion icons, and not only for their generation!
P.S.: Those red Yeezys .... ! :))

Ako  po minulé týždne aj tento  sme vybrali "celebritu", ktorej štýl a hlavne predvedenie sa nám za posledné tri mesiace, teda od začiatku nového roka, páčili. Mám pocit, že odkedy je z Kendall aj modelka, jej štýl dostal ucelenú formu, ktorá jej veľmi svedčí. Či už ide na obed s kamarátkou, na párty počas niektorého z fashion weekov alebo do fitka, vždy mala na sebe niečo, čo upúta pozornosť. Nuž je zaujímavé koľko veľa mladých hviezdičiek je zrazu módnymi ikonami, a to nielen pre ich vekovú generáciu!
P.S.: Tie červené Yeezys .... ! :))

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

ATTENTION! "Nudity" or Miranda´s latest editorial for GQ UK

It could have been such a beautiful day, but right in the morning an ERROR, which was shown on my Facebook page, surprised me. At first I did not understand what´s going on, but then I realized... Facebook (based on someone´s request), so far for unidentified causes (according to them this photo was too "revealing"), decided to remove one of the photos from Miranda Kerr´s latest editorial for GQ UK that we uploaded. And I had uploaded only the photos, which are not revealing anything! Even so.. Therefore, when there will be some editorial or a cover photo, which indicates some sort of nudity, you will find it here on the blog. And so, also today we have for you the whole photo shoot of this Australian model Miranda Kerr for the May issue of GQ UK magazine, which was photographed by Mario Testino..... :)

If you really want to see partly undressed Miranda, click on "Continue" down under this article!

Mohol to byť tak krásny deň, no hneď ráno ma prekvapil ERROR, ktorý mi Facebook vyhadzoval. Najskôr som nechápala, čo sa deje, no o chvíľu mi to došlo...Facebook (na základe niekoho žiadosti), sa zatiaľ z nezistených príčin (podľa nich táto fotka bola príliš "odhalená") rozhodol odstrániť nám fotku Mirandy Kerr z jej posledného editoriálu pre magazín GQ UK. A to som si hovorila, že pridám len tie fotky, ktoré nič neodhaľujú! No aj tak.. Preto, keď niekedy ešte bude editoriál alebo aj titulka, ktorá by čo i len naznačovala nejaký spôsob odhalenia, nájdete ju tu na blogu. A tak to je aj dnes a prinášame Vám celý photoshoot austrálskej modelky Mirandy Kerr pre májové vydanie časopisu GQ UK, ktoré nafotil Mario Testino.... :)

Ak naozaj chcete vidieť poodhalenú Mirandu, kliknite na "Continue" dole pod článkom!