Thursday, January 30, 2014

Christian Louboutin SS 2014 Campaign by Peter Lipmann

There is no woman who would not love Louboutin. And Mr. Christian knows this very well and therefore each year he presents us more and more pieces, at which we only marvel.
As in previous campaign, and also at the latest one for spring and summer 2014 this brand used motives of flowers and nature to highlight the beauty of the already beautiful pieces. Photographer and also artist in one person, Peter Lipmann, was inspired by famous impressionist painters as Monet, Pissarro, Van Gogh, Cézanne, Brueghel and Fantin-Latour, and he perfectly integrated handbags and shoes from the newest collection of this brand into them. A Real work of art!

Nie je žena, ktorá by nemilovala Louboutina. A to pán Christian veľmi dobre vie a každý rok nám preto posúva ďalšie a ďalšie kúsky, nad ktorými len žasneme.
Ako aj v predchádzajúcich kampaniach, aj v tej najnovšej pre jar a leto 2014 použila táto značka motívy kvetov a prírody na zvýraznenie krásy už aj tak nádherných kúskov. Fotograf a umelec v jednej osobe Peter Lipmann sa inšpiroval obrazmi slávnych impresionistických maliarov ako sú Monet, Pissarro, Van Gogh, Cézanne, Brueghel a Fantin-Latour, a skvelo do nich zapracoval kabelky a topánky z najnovšej kolekcie tejto značky. Skutočné umelecké dielo!

Inspired by Henri Fantin-Latour´s Bowl of Roses


Friday, January 24, 2014

R.T. x Nike: AF1 sneakers

So finally it´s here! The first example of Riccardo Tisci´s cooperation with Nike is here. On the first photos from this campaign we can see typical Nike Air Force One sneakers with an original print typical for Riccardo. Except from one innovation that are AF1 "boots". The expected price of this sneakers is $225 and so they are a little cheaper substitute for Givenchy sneakers.
In addition, Nike has chosen a perfect marketing move. Joan Smalls, Riccardo Tisci and Tisci´s AF1 can be together seen in US Vogue on the photos by duo Inez &Vinoodh.
Although I like them both, this campaign didn´t convince me about the qualities and mostly about the look of these sneakers, what do you think?

Tak konečne sme sa dočkali! Prvá ukážka spolupráce Riccarda Tisciho so značkou Nike je na svete. Na prvých fotkách z tejto očakávanej kampane môžeme vidieť typické Nike Air Force One tenisky s originálnou potlačou vo farbách, ktoré sú pre Riccarda typické. Až na jednu novinku, ktorou sú AF1 "čižmy". Očakávaná cena tenisiek je 225 dolárov, a tak sa stávajú o trošku lacnejšou náhradou za tenisky značky Givenchy.
Okrem toho Nike x R.T. zvolili skvelý marketingový ťah. Joan Smalls, Riccardo Tisci a Tisciho AF1 sa spolu predviedli v americkom magazíne Vogue na fotkách dua Inez & Vinoodh.
Síce oboch ich mám veľmi rada, no ani táto kampaň ma nepresvedčila o kvalitách a hlavne výzore týchto tenisiek, čo poviete?

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Anna Wintour Costume Center

Anna Wintour. Besides the fact that this woman is considered to be the queen of American fashion industry, thanks to her lucrative job in American Vogue too, she is also famous because of her cooperation with New York´s Metropolitan Museum of Art. Recently in her honor they renamed former The Costume Institute, part of museum dedicated to fashion, to The Anna Wintour Costume Center.
We think this gesture is a bit overdone, even though Anna deserves it, because her charity evening known as Met Gala collected $125 million in 20 years! And by the way, this year´s theme should be haute couture!!! Can´t wait! :-)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Paris Men´s Fashion Week Fall 2014: street style & front rows

Photo: Kuba Dabrowski

Photo: Kuba Dabrowski

Photo: Kuba Dabrowski

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Best of the Critics´ Choice Awards

The Top 5 Critics´ Choice Awards 2014 Red Carpet Looks

Margot Robbie in Elie Saab

Jessica Chastain in Nina Ricci

VB´s Store in London

And it´s confirmed!! One of the breaking news for today is the very first designer Victoria Beckham´s store in London. The official opening date has not been confirmed yet, but it is known that it will be this autumn. This prestigious boutique located in London´s Dover Street will have three floors and it´s architect is Farshid Moussavi, who previously designed the Olympic Park in London.
So the fashion maniacs will finally found under one roof their favorite pieces from the collections Victoria Beckham, Victoria Victoria Beckham, but also denim collection and collection of eyewear and accessories. This information was brought by the website, where you can find also statements of the designer regarding to this success.

A je to potvrdené!! Horúcou novinkou, ktorá sa práve dnes dostala do obehu, je prvý obchod dizajnérky Victorie Beckham v Londýne. Oficiálny dátum otvorenia ešte síce nie je známy, no už teraz je vieme, že to bude na jeseň tohto roku. Tento prestížny butik situovaný na londýnskej Dover Street bude mať až tri poschodia a architektom je Farshid Moussavi, ktorý v minulosti navrhol aj olympijský park v Londýne.
A tak fashion maniaci konečne pod jednou strechou nájdu svoje obľúbené kúsky z kolekcií Victoria Beckham, Victoria Victoria Beckham, ale aj denimovú kolekciu či kolekciu okuliarov a doplnkov. Túto informáciu priniesla webová stránka magazínu, kde môžete nájsť aj vyjadrenia samotnej dizajnérky k tomuto jej úspechu.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Look Of The Day/Love Those shoes ...

Actress Nina Dobrev at Universal City Walk wearing Sophia Webster Cleo d´Orsay Pumps (similar here) from her SS 2014 collection.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Guess who is the Marc Jacobs´ newest face?!

The newest face of Marc Jacobs´ campaign for Spring 2014 is..... Miley Cyrus!!! And so she joins his star team, whose previous members were Dakota Fanning, Victoria Beckham, Helena Bonham-Carter, and many others.

Information were brought by website 

Dolce&Gabbana Spring/Summer 2014 Campaign

This year could have not started better! Almost every day we present you some summer campaign on our fb page. Although I am mostly a spring-type person, when I´m looking at these photos I´m extremely looking forward to summer!
But today we have for you something we love the most. A few days ago we published first photos from the summer campaign of Italian duo Dolce & Gabbana. Sicilian family party - the main theme of this campaign full of models and children, which was this time photographed by Domenico Dolce. For several seasons this duo brings us similarly motivated photos, but this we don´t mind at all the repeating. It might be because of the fact that we cannot stop looking at the beautiful Bianca Balti, which of course is featured in this campaign, too. Except from her Eva Herzigova, Catherine McNeil, Marine Deeleuw, Adam Senn, Evandro Soldati, Noah Mills and Tony Ward posed, too.

If you are also interested in other campaigns that the fashion houses prepared for us, you can find them here.