Friday, July 25, 2014

Pirelli Calendar 2015 Preview (UPDATE)

Some fashion news for today!!!
The famous Pirelli Calendar for year 2015 will for the first time feature a plus-size model, Candice Huffine. Except from her, the 2015 issue will include Adriana Lima, Joan Smalls, Isabeli Fontana, Natalia Vodianova, Raquel Zimmermann, Gigi Hadid, Sasha Luss, Karen Elson, Carolyn Murphy, Anna Ewers and Cameron Russell. Even though the calendar debuts in November, we know that all of the models were photographed by Steven Meisel and styled by Carine Roitfeld. But for now, we have for you a small preview, ... :)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Selena´s trip to Italy

A few days ago Selena attended the 2014 Ischia Global Film and Music Festival in Italy, where she was honored with the Kids´ Global Award. During this time she was changing a lot of outfits and therefore we decided to sum it up for you. Some of you have probably seen our most favorite one on our Instagram account. However, I have to admit that we don´t like all of them, especially the Blumarine feather skirt ...
Wearing Zimmermann bustier dress, Casadei sandals and Rayban sunglasses

Saturday, July 19, 2014

On The Run

Since the end of April, when we first noticed about the upcoming joint tour of the Carters on Jay Z´s Facebook page, many fashion addicts couldn´t have waited to see what Beyoncé would wear on stage. I also thought so, so I was even more disappointed/excited about the fact that Jay Z looked even better than Beyoncé.
At the previously played gigs B was changing a lot of costumes from different designers. Michael Costello, Atelier Versace, Givenchy, Diesel and many other famous names had the task to take care of the almost breathtaking pieces that would highlight Beyoncé´s slimmer curves. It´s not surprising that most of them picked various types of too revealing leotards. But everyone has to move with the times... What shocked me, however, the most, were the "bridal" pieces that reminded me of that recent elevator incident. No doubt that they´re trying to highlight their almost storybook marriage without problems...
 However, I was more impressed by her day by day better looking husband than by the queen of R&B. A bit slimmer Jay Z wore also many outfits during the last nine concerts, for example by Rodarte and Givenchy. I must admit that this guy has a surreal style. Black combined with white, glasses, leather details, gold chains and a hat, which actually looked amazing on him, are only a small zoom of what I liked the most.

That would be to summarize the pieces that both of these artists showcased at previous concerts. All of the photos and designers can be found below. For those, who hear about the On The Run tour for the first time, I attach an official trailer for the tour (yes, trailer for the tour!), in which apart from the performers Sean Penn, Blake Lively, Jake Gyllenhaal, Emmy Rossum and many others were starring.  If you want to see the On The Run tour and you are not going to the United States or Canada in the next few days, the only way not to miss it is on 12 and 13th of September in Paris!
So ... Jay Z - Beyoncé : 1-0 !!!

Už od konca apríla, kedy sme prvýkrát na Jay Zho facebookovej stránke uvideli oznam o nadchádzajúcom spoločnom turné manželov Carterovcov, sa určite mnohí módni nadšenci nevedeli dočkať kúskov, ktoré nám Beyonce na stagei predvedie. So mnou to nebolo vôbec inak, a preto som bola o to viac sklamaná/nadšená z toho, že Jay Zmu jednoducho ide viac než samotnej Beyonce.
Na doposiaľ odohraných deviatich koncertoch vystriedala B mnohé kostýmy od rôznych návrhárov. Michael Costello, Atelier Versace, Givenchy, Diesel a mnoho ďalších zvučných mien malo za úlohu postarať sa o priam dych vyrážajúce kúsky, ktoré by zvýraznili Beyoncine schudnuté krivky. Ani sa im nečudujem, že väčšina z nich stavila na rôzne typy až príliš odhaľujúcich overalov. No každý musí ísť s dobou... Čo ma však najviac zarazilo sú "svadobné" kúsky, ktoré mi pripomenuli nedávny výťahový incident. Niet pochýb, že aj týmto spôsobom sa snažia poukázať na ich priam rozprávkové manželstvo bez problémov...
Viac ako samotná kráľovná R&B ma zaujal jej každým dňom lepšie vyzerajúci manžel. Trošku pochudnutejší Jay Z počas posledných deviatich koncertov taktiež vystriedal mnoho outfitov, napr. od značiek Rodarte a Givenchy. Musím povedať, že ten chlap má neskutočný štýl. Čierna v kombinácii s bielou, okuliare, kožené aplikácie, zlaté reťaze a klobúk, ktorý Jay Zmu len pridal na kráse, sú len malým priblížením toho, čo ma na ňom zaujalo.
To by bolo k zhrnutiu kúskov, ktoré nám obaja interpreti na predchádzajúcich koncertoch predviedli. Všetky fotky aj s popisom návrhárov nájdete nižšie. Pre tých, ktorí o On The Run počujú prvýkrát, prikladám aj oficiálny trailer k tour (áno, trailer k tour!), v ktorom si okrem samotných interpretov zahrali aj Sean Penn, Blake Lively, Jake Gyllenhaal, Emmy Rossum,... Ak som Vás dostatočne navnadila na tour a v najbližších dňoch sa nechystáte do Spojených štátov alebo Kanady, tak jediná možnosť nenechať si ju ujsť bude už 12 a 13-teho septembra v Paríži!
Takže ... Jay Z - Beyonce : 1-0 !!!


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Taylor Swift´s unbelievable makeover

Lately I have seen a big change in Taylor Swift´s style... It can be said that since she´s changed her hairstyle and from her longer hair became a chic bob, a change in the dressing came, too. I personally don´t like Taylor at all. Especially during different award shows when she is the only one standing in the front row living her private concert...imagine those people sitting behind her...
But to the point. Every single day Taylor convinces us that a lady became from the blond princess. A few pounds down, darker hair shade, light makeup and more than admirable work of stylists made her a leggy beauty, which could have competed with Victoria´s Secret angels. Thanks to this unbelievable makeover I decided to put together her best outfits from the last few months (whether street style, from the red carpet or those, in which she goes wearing pumps, dress and makeup to the gym). And Taylor I´m really happy for you, I´ll let you finish, but ... I would still criticize those grandma shoes ... :)
V poslednej dobe som si všimla riadnu zmenu štýlu u Taylor Swift... Dá sa povedať, že odkedy zmenila svoj účes a z dlhších vlasov sa stal chic bob, nastala určitá zmena aj v obliekaní. Ja osobne  nemám Taylor príliš v láske. Hlavne počas rôznych odovzdávaní, kedy ona ako jediná v prvom rade stojí a prežíva svoj privátny koncert...predstavte si tých ľudí, ktorí sedia za ňou...
No k veci. Každým jedným dňom nás Taylor presviedča, že z blonďavej princezničky sa stala dáma. Pár kíl dole, tmavší odtieň vlasov, jemné líčenie a viac ako obdivuhodná práca stajlistov z nej spravili dlhonohú krásku, ktorá dokonca mohla konkurovať aj anjelikom značky Victoria´s Secret. Práve kvôli tejto až neuveriteľnej premene som sa rozhodla dať dokopy jej najlepšie outfity z posledných mesiacov (či už street stylové, z červeného koberca alebo tie, kedy v lodičkách, šatách a make-upe chodí do posilňovne). And Taylor I´m really happy for you, I´ll let you finish,but ... stále by som jej vytkla tie babičkine topánky... :)


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Candice´s "off duty" Style

Emily DiDonato, Joan Smalls & more on the covers of V Magazine´s Fall 2014 Issue (UPDATE)

V Magazine
Fall 2014
Photo: Mario Testino
Models: Joan Smalls, Emily DiDonato, Bridget Malcolm, Amanda Murphy,
Clark Bockelman, Aurelian Muller, Sean O´Pry & Matthew Terry

Joan Smalls & Aurelian Muller 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

My fashion favorites ... neutrals

Already in the last article I mentioned my immortal love for black color. However, because while dressing up and generally in my whole life I have been following the motto that beauty is in simplicity, I have totally fallen in love with the trend of neutral colors lately. Khaki, white, grey, pale denim, beige, brown, and certainly the already mentioned black can´t do anything wrong when they are combined with each other. Right cuts, accessories and simplicity are important to make the outfit timeless...

Už v poslednom článku som spomenula moju nesmrteľnú lásku k čiernej. No keďže sa v obliekaní a celkovo v živote riadim heslom že v jednoduchosti je krása, v poslednej dobe som si obľúbila hlavne trend neutrálnych farieb. Khaki, biela, sivá, bledá riflovina, béžová, bledo hnedá a určite aj už spomínaná čierna nikdy nič nepokazia ak ich navzájom skombinujeme. Dôležité sú správne strihy, doplnky a jednoduchosť vďaka čomu sa stane outfit nadčasový...