Sunday, December 29, 2013

Year 2013: The Best Of...Magazine Covers

Although there were hundreds, we tried to choose the best twelve of them. No specifics were given for this selection, we just wanted to find the once we liked on the first glance.
I have been very pleased to see ELLE UK´s cover with my favorite singer Rihanna, simple, mysterious and feminine...
Which one is your favorite??? Almost all covers from year 2013 can be found in our album on FB.

Boli stovky, no my sme si aj tak trúfli a pokúsili sme sa vybrať tých dvanásť najlepších. Neboli dané žiadne špecifiká pre tento výber, podstatné bolo, aby nás zaujali už na prvý pohľad.
Mňa osobne potešila titulka pre britskú verziu magazínu ELLE s mojou obľúbenou Rihannou, jednoduchá, tajomná a ženská...
Ktorá je Vaša obľúbená??? Takmer všetky titulné fotky magazínov z roku 2013 môžete nájsť v našom albume na FB.

April 2013
Photo: Mariano Vivanco
Model: Rihanna

Saturday, December 28, 2013

YEAR 2013: The Best Of...Stylish Singers

As in the previous articles from the series The Best Of... as well as this time we were focused on the best of what year 2013 brought us. Whereas most singers care about their image, the selection was very hard also this time, but we wanted to find the ones that doesn´t look good only at concerts and red carpet, but also on usual day...Enjoy!

Tak ako tomu bolo v predchádzajúcich článkov zo seriálu The Best Of... tak aj v tomto sme sa zamerali na to najlepšie, čo nám rok 2013 priniesol. Keďže väčšina spevákov dbá aj o svoj imidž, výber bol aj tentokrát ťažký, no hľadali sme tých, ktorý nevyzerajú dobre len na koncertoch a červenom koberci, ale aj v bežný deň...Enjoy!


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Year 2013: The Best Of ... Models

Since an indispensable part of fashion are models, we decided to choose those, which according to us have been in the year 2013 absolutely everywhere...the best-selling ones.
In this case the rule is, that the ones that seem to us beautiful are not always as successful as those, which we wouldn´t notice on the street. However, they have one thing in common, they´re interesting.

Keďže neodmysliteľnou súčasťou módy sú modelky, rozhodli sme sa vybrať tie, čo podľa nás boli v roku 2013 úplne všade....najpredávanejšie.
V tomto prípade však platí pravidlo, že tie, čo sa nám zdajú krásne sú nie vždy tak úspešné ako tie, ktoré by sme si na ulici ani nevšimli. Jedno ich však všetky vystihuje, sú zaujímavé.

Cara Delevingne
Reserved SS 2013 Campaign, DKNY SS 2013 Campaign, Vogue Australia October 2013 Cover

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Year 2013: the Best Of from Red Carpet

Yes, we have also decided to shortly summarize and present you the best that this year has brought. Today we ´ve chosen for you 12 best outfits from the red carpet, which impressed US the most. I would give the attention to the word US, because it´s the choice of looks that WE like. Just to avoid some misunderstanding... :)

When we summarize it all, we can say that this year has mostly belonged to actresses Jessica Alba and Jessica Chastain. The second named is for me a clear DIVA of the red carpet. Who knows this actress probably knows what I mean, but the one who doesn´t should change it right now! Except from them a lot of different celebrities shined and it was really hard to make this selection. But we made it and therefore you can see what our critical eyes like the most :).
I will also add that the sequence of photos is purely coincidental. This is not some kind of a chart, where we would evaluate what was the best. This is our TOP!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Pyrex or Off-white?? By Virgil Abloh

Virgil Abloh. The name that most people don´t know, but this talented designer changes success to other success. Except from the fact that he is Kanye´s creative director and so he creates outfits for his concerts and also very successful collection four his tour and cooperates with streetwear brand Hood by Air, he is signed under the brand, which has been very successful this year. Pyrex Vision, clothing collection, most of all t-shirts with a typical monogram PYREX on the back, which could have been on many singers and rappers.

Izabel Goulart by Branislav Simoncik for GQ Portugal December 2013

A lot of people think that Slovak photographer Branislav Simoncik is known only in Slovakia, maybe in Czech Republic, too. But the opposite is true. He proved it in the newest edition of GQ Portugal. He photographed one of the Brazilian topmodels, which is every year part of the Victoria´s Secret Fashion Show, Izabel Goulart.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Balmain Babe


Rihanna is undoubtedly one of the top stars of music scene, but even at the fashion one she is no stranger. What she touches turns into a success, whether rightfully each will evaluate alone...
We, however, give her a good point for an ad campaign of fashion house BALMAIN. I literally love the latest collection by Olivier Rousteing, strongly inspired by the 90s of the last century and I think RiRi is perfect in the role of model for this advertisement. The reason why Olivier has chosen this Barbadian star was explained in the comment on his Instagram profile.: "When your Inspiration meets your Creation". So now it´s also probably clear why the models look amazing on her...
I just hope that in the near future we will see more photos made by the famous duo Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin.

Except from Balmain, British brand Burberry introduced their first photos of the spring campaign. This campaign, and also many others, can be found on our FB page.

Rihanna patrí nepochybne medzi top hviezdy hudobnej scény, no ani na tej módnej nie je žiadnym nováčikom. Čoho sa dotkne premení na úspech, či oprávnene, to už nech si zhodnotí každý sám...
My jej však dávame dobrý bod za reklamnú kampaň módneho domu BALMAIN. Doslova milujem najnovšiu kolekciu Oliviera Rousteinga, silne inšpirovanú 90.rokmi minulého storočia a RiRi sa mi dokonalo hodí do úlohy modelky pre túto reklamu. Dôvod prečo si Oliviera vybral práve barbadoskú hviezdu objasnil v komentári na svojom instagramovom profile.: " When your Inspiration meets your Creation". Tak už je zrejme aj jasné prečo Rihanne sadli modely ako ušité...
Dúfame len, že v dohľadnej dobe uvidíme viac fotiek, ktoré pochádzajú z produkcie  známeho dua Inez van Lamsweerde a Vinoodh Matadin.

Okrem Balmainu predstavila prvé fotky k jarnej kampani aj britská značka Burberry. Túto kampaň, ale aj mnoho iných, nájdete na našej FB stránke.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Wedding Bells Ringing for KimK ...

All White Everything? Wedding Bells Ringing?  Or just new favorite color? One season, One color!
Which white look do u like the most? 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Finally the videos!!! VSFS 2013

And so the whole masquerade around the VS Fashion Show 2013 is over. Hopefully next year´s, which we are already looking forward to, will be at least 100 times better!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

fashion idols #3 : The Carter$

"If I weren´t performing, I´d be a beauty editor or a therapist. I love creativity, but I also love to help others. My mother was a hairstylist, and they listen to everyone´s problems - like a beauty therapist." (Beyoncé)  

Gossip! That´s the only thing we know about them, because they are one of the showbiz couples that watch their privacy. But nevertheless everyone admires them or hates them... I wonder why?! :)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Today´s fashion inspiration from Rita Ora

What we think is, that this British singer is gradually becoming one of the fashion icons. This time, we were impressed by this white-black coat, that she wore after the British Fashion Awards. If you want to steal the Rita´s style, a very similar coat can be found on a (one of our most favorite) website (here).

Dovolíme si tvrdiť, že postupne sa táto britská speváčka zaraďuje medzi módne ikony. Tentokrát nás zaujala bielo-čiernym kožuchom, v ktorom sa ukázala po akcii British Fashion Awards.  Ak máte záujem ukradnúť si Ritin štýl, podobný kabát môžete nájsť na (nami veľmi obľúbenej) stránke (tu).

VSFS: Only 7 days...

...until the broadcasting of this year´s Victoria´s Secret Fashion Show!!! As we have already written in article (here), we were a little bit disappointed, but it´s hard to say something only according to the photos, and so we hope, that the video will change our impressions to better. If you are also interested in how the models had been preparing for this day, how the costumes were made and in other backstage information, you will find a lot of interesting videos, which make the waiting time more enjoyable, on the official website of Victoria´s Secret.
Videos can be found here!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sunday´s Inspiration